Friday, July 30, 2010

Just me and my girl

My parents have the little buddy for a couple of days so Kate and I can spend some special time together. It's been fun for us so far. Yesterday we went to the pool. Kate swam completely unassisted to me about 5 or 6 feet. It was great!! She was very proud of herself and confident about it. She did it a few more times and I got an idea. All summer long, she has been wanting to go down the water slide at the pool. I never can let her because I always have Andy with me and I don't think I can manage keeping him afloat and catching her from the slide. But without the buddy wiggling in my arms, it would be no problem. So I backed up a few more inches and told her if she could swim out "this far" she could go down the slide. She made it and it was off to the slide.
She walked up the steps, looked down the slide to make sure I was there with waiting arms. She smiled, slid down as her smile turned to a look of terror, and shot out of the slide laughing, straight into my arms!! She loved it and repeated it several times. So much fun.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have seen that. But we were having tons of fun with Andy
